Delta Grassroots Caucus/ Economic Equality Caucus |
The Delta Grassroots Caucus (DGC) is a broad coalition of grassroots leaders in the eight-state Delta region. DGC is also a founding partner of the Economic Equality Caucus, which advocates for economic equality across the USA. |
Delta Grassroots Caucus Events
Children's Defense Fund Project, Gould, AR; & National Action Day on Health CarePosted on May 20, 2009 at 02:50 PM The Delta Grassroots Caucus strongly supports the Gould Area Children Defense Freedom School, as well as the national Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools National Day of Social Action that will take place on July 13, 2009 to urge Congress to assure affordable, comprehensive health care coverage. The Gould Area Children Defense Freedom Summer School, which will serve the area around the southeast Arkansas Delta community of Gould, is a great example of the Freedom Schools national program. We convey a statement below about this meritorious project in Gould this summer as well as the national action day on July 13. In the Arkansas Delta community of Gould, Arkansas, the schools are closed and the children have no local after-school education program or public library. The schools in Gould closed several years ago and the students have to commute to Dumas and other communities to go to school in the regular school year. The Gould Area Children Defense Freedom Summer School will begin on June 22 and continue through July 31 this summer in the city of Gould. This year the CDF Freedom Schools National Day of Social action will take place on Monday, July 13, 2009, when all of the CDF Freedom Schools programs across the country will join a nationwide effort to convey to Members of Congress that we need to assure affordable, comprehensive health care coverage for everyone this year, and especially children. Please note that this award-winning program has been operating in Marianna, Arkansas for four years. The program has been recognized for increasing student’s grade level benchmark test scores, and through making books available to students, encouraging a love for reading, and guaranteeing an excellent learning experience every day. This ultimately results in increased education and civic responsibility. We want to help get the word out regarding registration and support this constructive program aimed at helping children in the Gould area of southeast Arkansas, as well as the national day of advocacy for health care on July 13. For further information please contact the project director, Janetta Kearney of Kearney Consulting, Inc. at 501.240-9627. Janis Kearney, the distinguished author and former White House aide to President Bill Clinton who has spoken at several Delta Caucus conferences, will be involved in supporting this project as well. Thanks–Lee Powell, MDGC Gould Arkansas Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools®,The Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Summer Schools Program® has awarded Kearney Consulting, Inc., of Little Rock an agreement for the first-ever Gould Area Freedom Summer Schools Programs. The six-week summer program begins operation on June 22, and ends July 31, 2009. The award winning CDF Freedom Schools Program has operated in Marianna, Arkansas for a total of 4 years. Janetta Kearney, Project Director for the new Gould Freedom School, said recently, ” We are excited that Kearney Consulting is the recipient of this Freedom School MOU, and that the program is going into a part of the state that needs so much. This award-winning research based program has been recognized for increasing student’s grade level benchmark test scores, and through making books available to students, encouraging a love for reading, we are guaranteeing a joyfilled learning experience each day: This ultimately results in increased education and civic responsibility.” Kearney said that Gould’s Mayor Juanita Stephens, and U.S. Representative Mike Ross (D-AR) have been supportive of this award-winning program’s implementation in Gould; and continue to work diligently with her to assure the program’s implementation and success, since Kearney Consulting, Inc. and Mayor Stephens attended the CDF introductory meeting at the Clinton Presidential Center, fall 2008. January 2009, Kearney received the acceptance letter from the Children’s Defense Fund. The six week program will be held in the Gould’s Lions Club. Though initial plans were to hold the classes in the Gould Community Center, Kearney was told the Center was unavailable for housing the classes. The Lion’s Club agreed to make their clubhouse open to this much needed program, as long as it did not interfere with Gould’s annual program at the Lion’s club. The Gould Area CDF Freedom Schools program includes a component of Parental Involvement and weekly Community Development forums to offer discussion on various topics of citizens interest and or need. Our mandatory 6-week program operates June 22 through July 31, 2009. National Day of Social ActionThis year the CDF Freedom Schools National Day of Social Action will take place on Monday, July 13, 2009. On this day, all of the CDF Freedom Schools programs across the country will join a nationwide effort to let our Members of Congress know that we want them to ensure affordable, comprehensive health coverage for everyone this year - especially children. The Arkansas CDF Freedom Summer Schools sites plan to collectively meet at the Arkansas State Capital on July 13.Some sites are already planning National Day of Social Action activities; rallies, marches, community meetings and office visits. Program and site coordinators with the servant leader interns will plan activities to engage their Representatives on July 13 and relay our message in support of health care reform for all children. The 2009 CDF Freedom Schools National Day of Social Action is sure to be a huge success. On July 13, we will step forward to make a difference in the lives of all children in America! Many Arkansas foundations have supported the CDF Freedom Schools concept which began with the Marianna site and, they attest to the increased learning opportunity for all children attending the program. Kearney, who is a native of Gould and a member of the Committee to dismantle the Cradle to Prison Pipeline, another CDF program, feels that this CDF Summer Schools program is a “much-needed asset for the children of Gould,” which currently has no schools, and no public library. She points out that the program fits right into the state’s move to upgrade training and infrastructure for the citizens of Gould and the Delta; and leaders’ hopes to increase the state’s high school graduation rates and Arkansas’ overall growth and productivity. Kearney notes that the city already has a summer feeding and sports programs and she envisions that CDF’s award winning ‘Intergrated Reading program’, will fulfill the missing piece by offering children a well-rounded and continuous curriculum to inspire them for a healthy, and academically prepeared school experience. “We hope parents will consider this wonderful program as an important supplement to the food and sports programs being already offered.” “The Freedom School is available to all the children of the Gould Area, and a combination of programs will help our children have a well rounded and wholistic experience while, the children increase grade averages and learn a love for reading, “Kearney said. Kearney Consulting asked City Officials to open it’s City Hall on May 29 or May 30, 2009 so all citizens and parents may register their children for this CDF Freedom Schools program and ask questions of Kearney as to the CDF requirements for this award winning opportunity. ‘Since January 2009 we have been working with Gould and state agencies when local options were not available, to assure a successful summer program for children up to 5th grade, this is our chance to add a Reading and Civic responsibility program to the preexisting Sports and Summer Food programs, in addition toparental involvement and community development meeting weekly. Kearney is grateful to the many public agencies in Arkansas who support the Gould Area, CDF Freedom Schools program. Please call 501.240-9627 regarding the Public Forum regarding the Summer Schools program. |
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