The Delta Grassroots Caucus (DGC) is a broad coalition of grassroots leaders in the eight-state Delta region. DGC is also a founding partner of the Economic Equality Caucus,
which advocates for economic equality across the USA.

Schedule and Link for Oct. 17-18, 2024 Delta Grassroots Caucus Zoom Meeting

Posted on October 17, 2024 at 03:55 PM

Delta Caucus Zoom meeting Oct. 17, 2024—5 p.m. To about 6:20 p.m.

5 p.m.—5:09 p.m.—Brad Cole, Municipal League of Illinois

5:09—6:20 p.m.—Health, hunger and nutrition

Lee Powell, Delta Caucus director

Joel Berg, Hunger Free America—5:09 to 5:20

Heather Collier, Southeast Missouri Food Bank—5:20 to 5:30

Pat Van Burkleo, Feeding Louisiana–5:30–5:40

Sylvia Blain, Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance—5:40–5:50

Mayor Tomeka Butler, Eudora, Arkansas—5:50—6 p.m.

6 p.m.—Discussion

Oct. 18, 2024—9 a.m. To 11:30 a.m.

9 a.m. to 9:50 a.m.–“Big picture” panel on community and economic development in the Delta from several important regional leaders

Christopher Crane, Arkansas Economic Development Commission–9–9:10

Alan Gumbel, Black Business Association of Memphis, Tennessee–9:10–9:20

Elizabeth Rooks, Rooks Mediation Services–9:20–9:30

Mike Marshall, former Alternate Federal Co-Chair of the Delta Regional Authority, banker from Sikeston, Missouri–9:30–9:40


9:40–9:50 a.m.–Mireya Reith, Arkansas United

9:50–10 a.m.–Loston Rowe, National Black Growers Council


Education, Tourism and Regional Development–10;05 –10:35 a.m.

10:05–10:15 a.m.Cody Behles, University of Memphis–

10:15–10:25-Jen Mandel, University of Memphis

10:25–10:35–Shane Broadway, Arkansas State University (speaking on Johnny Cash statue in US Capitol)


10:45 –11:05 a.m.—Speakers Supporting the Presidential Candidates

10:45-55 a.m.–Rhonda Belford, newly elected Republican National Committee National Committeewoman from Illinois; Trump delegate to the 2020 Republican National Convention, Alt. Trump Delegate to the 2024 Republican National Convention; Chairman, Hardin County Illinois Republican Central Committee; Registered Nurse; Speaking in support of Donald Trump for President

10:55–11:05 a.m. –Wilson Golden (Mississippi native now residing in Georgia; former Clinton administration Presidential appointee, one of the managers for Delta Regional Initiative with Lee Powell and the late Al Eisenberg); Delegate to the 2024 Democratic National Convention (his 12th DNC); Attorney; Speaking in support of Kamala Harris for President

11:05 a.m. To 11:20 a.m.—Questions for speakers on the Presidential candidates


The link information to join the meeting is below. You can check the website at for the basic information about Delta Caucus activities.

Here’s the link to join the upcoming Delta Caucus Zoom meeting, which is Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024 from 5 p.m. To 6:20 p.m. And the Friday session is Oct. 18, 2024 from 9 a.m. To about noon.

Delta Caucus Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 873 9261 8940

Passcode: 522533

NOTE: You will need to type in the codes to enter the conference because this is NOT an automatic link.


The fastest and easiest way to pay the $50 registration fees is to go on the website at and go to the PayPal link that says “Donate.”

If you prefer to pay by check, please make out the check to “Delta Caucus” and mail to:

Delta Caucus 5030 Purslane Place Waldorf, MD 20601

Thanks—Lee Powell, Delta Caucus (202) 360-6347